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Negrisa Decaf
Chocolate – Hazelnut – Raisin
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This coffee is like
a cozy blanket
on a rainy day
Om os
This coffee has a citric acidity, a smooth body and flavors of stone fruits.

Decaf is a metamorphosis, and for it to be successful one, we need to retain that original flavour. This Peruvian is driven by notes of milk chocolate and hazelnut. A wonderfully mellow flavour profile, with delicate florals and soft acidity. We dream of a day we might breed a coffee plant that naturally contains zero caffein, until then, we have come up with some incredibly innovative ways to do this after the fact. Co2 is one of these methods. It works harmoniously with Negrisa, ensuring the innate sweetness, light body, and delicate honey and citrous notes are left intact, leaving you to wonder how such a sweet balanced cup can be the outcome of such incredible physical changes.
Country: Peru
Region: Villa Rica
Altitude: 1.450-1.800 masl
Varieties: Typica
Process: Washed
Roasted for: Filter & Espresso
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· Ships within 1-3 days from Denmark
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